If anyone’s phone screen is broken, know that the person is not alone! According to surveys, nearly half of people have damaged their iPhone screen. This is a very common problem. After all, a fall is enough for it to be damaged, which makes it difficult or even impossible to operate the device. In this situation, everyone generally counts on an iPhone screen replacement service in Brisbane to change the screen. But what should know before opting for a broken screen replacement? Follow this blog to learn how to identify these situations and know the right time to change them.
What to know before changing the iPhone screen
iPhone fragility has increased
Over the years, the production of iPhones has evolved. Regardless of the operating system, each of them has gained structural upgrades in their releases. Bigger screens appear with each new device, and with them, the chance of further damage increases.
It is common for the mounting structure of the devices to become increasingly blocked.
In other words, they are built as “one thing” and the chance of more than one damage appearing at a time increases.
Look for technical assistance
Stores that specialize in iPhone screen replacement in Brisbane can evaluate the device and know why the screen replacement is worth it. Many of them offer facilities for iPhone owners looking for a solution to the problem of broken screens.
A reputed service offers a free quote. They return the device repaired within one day and offer discounts on special dates that can facilitate the replacement of broken screens.
Evaluate if replacing the broken screen won’t cost more than a new device
New iPhone screens can cost 30-60% of the price of a new device.
Therefore, it is worth researching the financial viability of the screen replacement and comparing it with the costs of acquiring a new device.
Pay attention to the Smartphone usage time and how many times it has gone for assistance. If the iPhone is an older model, it is worth evaluating whether the screen change is worth it.
Remember the more obsolete the device, the scarcer the number of repair parts found.
Also, depending on how many times the device has been serviced, it is worth investing in a new iPhone rather than continuing through the cycle of use and repair.
5 reasons to replace the broken iPhone screen ASAP
Shards of glass will hurt you
As long as anyone continues to slide a finger across the cracked iPhone screen, they can be sure that those little pieces of glass will hurt anyone at any time.
Generally, glass fragments cause minor damage to the skin, and fungus and bacteria will pass through them to cause infection. So, if anyone found any screen-related issues, always carry the device to a specialized service. They can carry out the whole screen replacement process effectively.
Dirt or moisture can enter through the screen cracks and affect the LCD
An intact screen helps seal the device. So, when there is a crack on the device screen, it allows particles and moisture to enter that device, reducing its useful life, and can cause immediate damage. Therefore, in this situation, the person should take their device to a specialized service.
Cracks can make it difficult to see
If a small scratch on the film can be inconvenient for those who use their iPhone frequently, a broken screen becomes extremely unpleasant. In addition to all the problems already mentioned, keeping the screen of a device broken will harm the experience during routine use, during a movie or video and even while playing games.
It is worth remembering that, over time the initial size of the crack on the screen tends to increase more and more.
Loss of touch
From the moment a fall occurs and the screen breaks, several internal problems can occur. One of which is the loss of Touch. It can occur in the region of impact or, in the worst case, on the entire screen.
The iPhone is the daily partner. So it needs to be taken care of with caution. However, accidents do happen. Therefore it is better to invest in immediate repair and keep it operational rather than ignoring it and having several other problems in the future.
What to do before going for an iPhone screen repair service
Now everyone has a basic idea about the importance of iPhone screen replacement, but how to do this properly? It is not possible to do the screen replacement by yourself. Therefore, a person should contact a specialized service that has experience in this field.
So, before going to the service, know the best ways to avoid headaches with iPhone technical assistance!
Remove the memory card from the device
When taking the device to an iPhone service, it is necessary to consider the importance of the information contained in the device. So, if anyone has a memory card, it is essential to leave it at home.
Back up the information
Even if the device has removable memory cards, it is important to remember the data contained in the device’s internal storage. In some cases of repair at technical assistance, the iPhone can be formatted, completely erasing all the information contained in it.
Reset the device
If anyone is afraid of having any sensitive information or personal photos leaked because of an iPhone screen replacement service, it is recommended to perform a complete reset of the device. This process involves erasing all data contained in the device’s internal storage, and restoring the system to factory defaults.
Avoid obvious passwords
When taking the device to an iPhone service, it is very important to be careful with the type of password that uses for the logins. There is no point in backing up the data to the cloud if they use obvious or weak keywords.
Why opt for authorized service?
By opting for an authorized iPhone screen replacement service in Brisbane, it is possible to count on a service of superior quality to the others found in the market. Contact Skytree Phones to solve your issue. The work carried out by our specialized team is a greater guarantee of the success of the repair of the i-device.
You will have no problems when rescuing your device from maintenance and you will be sure that the repair was carried out correctly. So, stay in touch with us if you require any assistance.